Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Strange And Terrible tragedy, Sex Male was struck by lightning

A man who lives in Madrid, Spain, experienced a strange accident recently. Lightning 53-year-old male genitals with the feet and burning testicles. Thus was launched the Digital Journal, this week.

Written are like a local newspaper, Le Mundo, when the man whose name is being withheld walk in venida de La Ilustración, an urban area in Tres Cantos, Madrid.

Suddenly, lightning and then spreads her legs and set fire to his testicles. As a result, the man fainted.

The child then call the emergency room and then treat the burns on his legs and testicles. He was later transferred to the Hospital de la Paz to undergo some tests.
The doctor said if the man is really lucky because the heart and brain is not exposed to lightning.

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